Jesus at John 17:3 states in his prayer to Jehovah that Jehovah is "the only true God". John 1:1's use of "a god" is in line with the Bible's definition of "gods" found at Psalm 82:1-8. Terms such as "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" and "Christian Witnesses of Jehovah" have been used for many years, as a Google search will attest.
Spike Tassel
JoinedPosts by Spike Tassel
Ok have you ever been asked this question in regards to Isaiah 43:10 ?
by StoneWall inhow could god have always existed since it plainly says near the end of that verse before me there was no god formed?.
here is the quote from the nwt and i also looked it up on numerous other translations and they all used the word before.. .
isaiah 43:10. you are my witnesses, is the utterance of jehovah, even my servant whom i have chosen, in order that you may.
Jesus.....God or God's son?
by digderidoo infollowing on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Spike Tassel
According to the definition of "god" provided at Psalm 82:1-8, the answer to your questions in Post 518 is "yes", I suggest.
Jesus.....God or God's son?
by digderidoo infollowing on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Spike Tassel
possible-san's Post 515, once again, highlighted in red
Hi, reniaa.
I think that you have two problems.
You do not understand the Trinity doctrine at all.
That is, Jesus is not Jehovah.
And the father is greater than the son.
This is the Trinity doctrine.
You are not arguing with the Trinitarians who value the divine name.
Jehovah's Witnesses only imitated the Christians who value the divine name.possible
Thank you, Johnnytwofeet, for your role as colour commentator. It's like we're watching a sporting event. And you're definitely living up to your moniker since you've dived in with both feet, to mix my metaphors. Here are the relevant parts, with my analysis.
You do not understand the Trinity doctrine at all.
This is a statement of perspective. Either it is true about Reniaa, or the possibility exists that it is possible-san who to use his own words "does not understand the Trinty doctrine at all."
Jesus is not Jehovah.
And the father is greater than the son.Reniaa and possible-san actually do agree on this. But this is a discussion of a duality, or to be more exact a pair, as in 2 individuals. A trinity would have to be a trio, that is 3 individuals.
You are not arguing with the Trinitarians who value the divine name.
This observation about Reniaa is true.
Jehovah's Witnesses only imitated the Christians who value the divine name.
Actually, Jehovah's Witnesses are among those who claim to be Christians who value the divine name.
A discussion between a Briton whose native language is English, and a person whose original language appears to be Japanese (not English), is certainly going to have its challenges, I suggest. And that's ignoring the Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek, etc. — the languages from which the translation and versions of the Bible we use derive.
Jesus.....God or God's son?
by digderidoo infollowing on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Spike Tassel
Of course, the argument now is not over a Trinity (3 as 1), but a Duality (2 as 1). Also, there is the matter of native language, which must be considered as well. What possible-san states as his Trinity is actually the Duality that reniaa (a.k.a. Renny) and I (Spike Tassel) believe and support, as my next post will bear out.
Dr. Firpo W. Carr writes on the topic "Where is Michael Jackson Now?"
by Spike Tassel init's taken from where is michael jackson now?
written by dr. firpo w. carr, (columnist), on 07-02-2009 00:00favoured1after all the allegations of prescription drug abuse; of child molestation and parental payoffs; of rumors of failing health; of rumors of a deteriorating face; of rumors of bleached skin; of financial woes, and a host of other charges, michael joseph jackson is dead.
just typing these words rocks my soul; leaving the foundation of my very being unsettled.
Spike Tassel
bump to the top
The WT contradict the bible they quote in the very next sentence regarding "JWs"!
by Chalam inthis point has been made before but i think the very words the wt write which contradict the bible the quote make the point powerfully.. have a read for yourself
jesus told his disciples: "you will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria and to the most distant part of the earth.
"acts 1:8.. hence, some 6,000,000 persons today who are telling the good news of jehovah's kingdom by christ jesus in over 230 lands feel that they properly refer to themselves as jehovah's witnesses.. .
Spike Tassel
A strange paradise that is, being "conscious of nothing"!
The NWT at Luke 23:43 has the passage correctly translated, as follows:— And he said to him: "Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise." The placement of the comma makes a lot of difference. Paradise is not the grave, that's for sure. Physical paradise is still future. Spiritual paradise is enjoyed by all who are alive and conscience in the sight of Jehovah God.
The man that Paul was talking about had a vision, obviously, and told Paul about it, if you read the passage again. Scripture's context is not only the surrounding verses but the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
You better read the verse after Ecc 9:5 too if you want to understand what that verse means.
Again the NWT has correctly translated Ecclesiastes 9:6, as follows:— Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.
The context of my response in green so far includes such texts as Psalm 37:29 which reads, as follows:— The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it.
Ok have you ever been asked this question in regards to Isaiah 43:10 ?
by StoneWall inhow could god have always existed since it plainly says near the end of that verse before me there was no god formed?.
here is the quote from the nwt and i also looked it up on numerous other translations and they all used the word before.. .
isaiah 43:10. you are my witnesses, is the utterance of jehovah, even my servant whom i have chosen, in order that you may.
Spike Tassel
Jehovah's Written Witness (the Bible, including all correctly translated verses in every language) contains both what you call the Old Testament and the New Testament. As 2 Timothy 3:16-17, ALL Scripture is beneficial … Jehovah is mentioned in both OT and NT, and so is Jesus. As John 17:3, this means everlasting life: [our] taking in knowledge of [Jehovah] the only true God and the one [Jehovah] sent forth, Jesus Christ. JWs are properly known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. After all, without Jehovah allowing Christ to live as a human, none would have a valid hope for everlasting life. Any one who has witnessed the transformative power of the Bible in someone's life is a witness to the power of Jehovah's word in that one.
Jesus.....God or God's son?
by digderidoo infollowing on from a post of sacolton's on a recent thread.
i hope he doesn't mind me cutting and pasting it as i want to examine it.. was jesus our god?
consider these two scriptures:.
Spike Tassel
Pronunciation changes as language does. So does translation as perspective does. Then there is a practice called transliteration: changing the elements of one script (e.g. alphabet or syllabary or logography) to an alphabet, not to mention transcription with its several aspects. William Tyndale (a Bible translater who wrote in the orthography of what I categorize as Early Modern English) spelled Jesus' name as (what I transcribe as) Jhesus at least sometimes [as is shown in the June 1, 2009 Watchower illustration on page 9 regarding Matthew 1:1], just as one example. Even if the Tetragrammaton in English is spelled J-e-h-o-v-a-h, there are several acceptable pronuniciations of it, which vary depending on where in the English world you live and your cultural background, and that's probably true for every last word in the English language, I would venture. As to whether the term "son of God" refers to Jesus, I suggest that it depends on which passage and translation/ version you are referring to. Even the term "God/ god" may refer to Jesus, again depending on which passage and translation/ version of the Bible you are referring to. Whether the particular passage accurately reflects Jehovah's position on the matter is another topic entirely. Each passage has its own history of analysis.
Dr. Firpo W. Carr writes on the topic "Where is Michael Jackson Now?"
by Spike Tassel init's taken from where is michael jackson now?
written by dr. firpo w. carr, (columnist), on 07-02-2009 00:00favoured1after all the allegations of prescription drug abuse; of child molestation and parental payoffs; of rumors of failing health; of rumors of a deteriorating face; of rumors of bleached skin; of financial woes, and a host of other charges, michael joseph jackson is dead.
just typing these words rocks my soul; leaving the foundation of my very being unsettled.
Spike Tassel
It's taken from
Where is Michael Jackson Now?
Written by Dr. Firpo W. Carr, (Columnist), on 07-02-2009 00:00 Favoured 1 After all the allegations of prescription drug abuse; of child molestation and parental payoffs; of rumors of failing health; of rumors of a deteriorating face; of rumors of bleached skin; of financial woes, and a host of other charges, Michael Joseph Jackson is dead. Just typing these words rocks my soul; leaving the foundation of my very being unsettled. Though he's been dead for a week now, I'm stunned as I type in a fog, alternating between fantasy and reality. I'm waiting for someone to wake me up so I can tell them about this awful dream I had of Michael being dead. It seemed just yesterday that, at the family's request, I was taking on haters, skeptics, and the world media in defending the family's reputation. Being a spiritual man, Michael believed that all sins--either real or imagined--are forgiven in death. You see, "Sin pays off with death." (Rom. 6:23; Contemporary English Version) But, according to the Bible, what exactly is the condition of the dead? Will there be a resurrection? Here's what Michael believed:
The Condition of the Dead: The Bible says very plainly, "The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered. Whatever they did in their lifetime--loving, hating, envying--is all long gone. They no longer play a part in anything here on earth... Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom." (Eccl 9:5, 6, 10; New Living Translation) Billions are in the grave right now with no signs of cognitive activity. And it's the same for everyone, irrespective of your station in life. "You can't depend on anyone, not even a great leader. Once they die and are buried, that will be the end of all their plans." (Ps. 146:3, 4; CEV) This can clearly be seen in Michael's case. Although he had grandiose plans to put on fifty glorious concerts, once he died, that was 'the end of all his plans.' Michael was aware of the state of the dead. But he was also aware that they would be resurrected.
Restored Life in the Old Testament: The Hebrew Bible, often called the Old Testament, says that Yehowah Elohim (Jehovah God) purposes to bring back the dead. "He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces." (Isa. 25:8; New World Translation) Those tears that we shed when Michael died will be wiped away by Jehovah when he kills death forever. "Your people have died, but they will live again," says the inspired Prophet Isaiah. "Their bodies will rise from death. You who lie in the ground, wake up and be happy! The dew covering you is like the dew of a new day; the ground will give birth to the dead." (Isa. 26:19; New Century Version) For a certainty, countless millions of dead loved ones will "wake up and be happy"!
The faithful man Job knew that death was in actually a deep sleep from which only God could raise you from. When experiencing all his troubles, he told the Lord, "I wish you would hide me in the grave and forget me there until your anger has passed. But mark your calendar to think of me again! Can the dead live again? If so, this would give me hope through all my years of struggle, and I would eagerly await the release of death." (Job 14: 13, 14; NLT) Job had confidence that if he died right then, he could very well have a calendar date with life. This, my friends, is what Michael believed.
And then there's Prophet Daniel. In his old age he was told, "be faithful until the end! You will rest, and at the end of time, you will rise from death to receive your reward." (Dan. 12:13; CEV) But it wasn't only Daniel that would "rise from death." "Huge numbers of people who lie dead in their graves will wake up," wrote the faithful prophet. "Some will rise up to life that will never end. Others will rise up to shame that will never end." (Daniel 12:2; New International Reader's Version) Again, Michael wholeheartedly believed this. But what does the New Testament have to say about the resurrection?
Restored Life in the New Testament: The second section of the Bible-- commonly called the New Testament (or, Christian Greek Scriptures)--is not silent on the matter. Jesus Christ himself made this shocking revelation: "Don't be so surprised! Indeed, the time is coming when all the dead in their graves will hear the voice of God's Son, and they will rise again. Those who have done good will rise to experience eternal life, and those who have continued in evil will rise to experience judgment." (John 5:28, 29; NLT) If you're surprised, like the Lord said, "don't be." It's really going to happen. "But how can we be so sure?" you ask. Well, five men in the Bible performed resurrections. These were Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, Peter, and Paul.
One time, Jesus resurrected his friend Lazarus. If circumstances permitted, I'd resurrect Michael. But, I'm no Jesus; and he's not Lazarus. However, like Lazarus, the dead are asleep. Here's what Jesus told his disciples: "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep. I'm going to wake him up." Now, this puzzled the disciples. In fact, they asked: "Master, if he's gone to sleep, he'll get a good rest and wake up feeling fine." But, as it was, "Jesus was talking about death, while his disciples thought he was talking about taking a nap. Then Jesus became explicit: 'Lazarus died. And I am glad for your sakes that I wasn't there. You're about to be given new grounds for believing. Now let's go to him.'" (John 11:11-15; Message Bible) The vast majority of mankind that has died is like Lazarus--taking a nap. Are all of them good people? Absolutely not! But, many bad people weren't given a fair chance in life. That's precisely why the apostle Paul declared: "All people, good and bad, will surely be raised from the dead." (Acts 24:15; NCV) This, too, is what Michael believed.
So, where is Michael Jackson now? Well, instead of being in good hands with Allstate, he's in the best hands of the Almighty. That being the case, we need not worry. As Michael would tell you: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort." (2 Corinthians 1:3; NWT) Indeed, Michael would want you to be comforted with this message. It's what he believed. So, in the meantime, stay up, stay strong, and keep the faith. Peace be unto you all. Amen.
MJ's own beliefs re "Where is Michael Jackson Now?"
by Spike Tassel inread for yourself what dr. firpo w. carr (columnist)'s piece says which was published in the los angelese sentinel online edition for thursday, july 02 2009 at [if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:trackmoves /> <w:trackformatting /> <w:donotshowrevisions /> <w:donotprintrevisions /> <w:donotshowmarkup /> <w:donotshowcomments /> <w:donotshowinsertionsanddeletions /> <w:donotshowpropertychanges /> <w:punctuationkerning /> <w:validateagainstschemas /> <w:saveifxmlinvalid>false</w:saveifxmlinvalid> <w:ignoremixedcontent>false</w:ignoremixedcontent> <w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext>false</w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext> <w:donotpromoteqf /> <w:lidthemeother>en-us</w:lidthemeother> <w:lidthemeasian>x-none</w:lidthemeasian> <w:lidthemecomplexscript>x-none</w:lidthemecomplexscript> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> <w:dontgrowautofit /> <w:splitpgbreakandparamark /> <w:dontvertaligncellwithsp /> <w:dontbreakconstrainedforcedtables /> <w:dontvertalignintxbx /> <w:word11kerningpairs /> <w:cachedcolbalance /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> <m:mathpr> <m:mathfont m:val="cambria math" /> <m:brkbin m:val="before" /> <m:brkbinsub m:val="--" /> <m:smallfrac m:val="off" /> <m:dispdef /> <m:lmargin m:val="0" /> <m:rmargin m:val="0" /> <m:defjc m:val="centergroup" /> <m:wrapindent m:val="1440" /> <m:intlim m:val="subsup" /> <m:narylim m:val="undovr" /> </m:mathpr></w:worddocument> </xml><!
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Spike Tassel
read for yourself what Dr. Firpo W. Carr (Columnist)'s piece says which was published in the Los Angeles Sentinel online edition for Thursday, July 02 2009 at